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The Number Street Math Academy instructors believe in the abilities of every child and that every child is capable of rigorous problem solving and critical thinking.

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Dr. Jenny Tsankova


Dr.  Jenny K. Tsankova is an associate professor of Mathematics Education at  Roger Williams University in Bristol RI, and teaches the mathematics  methods courses for elementary and secondary preservice teachers.

Dr.  Tsankova is a Director of Master’s Program in Mathematics Education,  author, conference state and national speaker, and serves on the boards  of state and national organizations.  She models lessons, consults, and  provides inservice training for teachers in various school systems in  Massachusetts.

Dr.  Tsankova strongly believes that all children can learn mathematics  deeply and at the same time enjoy wrestling with challenging problems.

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Mr. Viktor Tsankov


Mr. Tsankov is our mathematician extraordinaire. He teachers our Calculus courses and prepares our students for the SAT exams.

​Mr. Tsankov has had an extensive experience in teaching high school and adult college CAGS classes.

Our students enjoy his teaching style and personality.

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Ms. Kendra Haggerty


Ms.  Haggerty is K-5 Math Coach at Kennedy Elementary School in Providence  RI. She is a dynamic, enthusiastic and experienced teacher we all  treasure!

We love Ms. Haggerty!

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Ms. Sarah DeLuca


Ms. DeLuca is a STEM teacher for W. Bridgewater Public Schools. She has a passion for sharing knowledge and making the education experience with children fun, effective and memorable. Her  kind and caring approach, coupled with a bent for investing in the lives of those around her, makes Ms. DeLuca a successful and effective teacher.

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Mrs. Desi Stakeva


Desi  Stakeva has a Master’s of Science Degree in Mathematics Education from  Simmons College. She is currently an 8th grade Math teacher at New  Heights Charter School in Brockton.

She  strongly believes that all children can learn mathematics deeply and at  the same time enjoy wrestling with challenging problems.

Desi  Stakeva is a regular participant in mathematics education conferences  and cutting edge professional development. She brings knowledge and  experience of Singapore Math and best practices.

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Mrs. Jen Daly


Jen  Daly has three children who attend Number Street Math Academy and has  been a parent volunteer for five years at Number Street.

In  2016, Jen started co-teaching classes alongside Dr. Tsankova and found  her new passion - teaching k-5 students. Currently, to stay current on  her understanding of the teaching curriculum that is practiced at Number  Street Math, Jen is taking graduate classes in Mathematics Education.  She substitutes regularly in Easton Public Schools.

Jen  has an MBA and is an active member of Easton’s school system. She has  helped to spear, support, and teach enrichment programs at the  elementary schools and has had varies roles on the boards of the schools  PTAs. She enjoys her time making a difference in the lives of our  students!

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Miss Jenny Stakeva


Miss  Jenny has supported Number Street Math for the past seven years. She  co-taught and substitute-taught at the academy while still attending  Oliver Ames High School. She completed her undergraduate degree at UMass  Amherst majoring in Mathematics and Secondary Education. She is  enrolled in a Master's in Mathematics Education program at Teachers  College, Columbia University. Jenny offers an upbeat, positive  personality that our students look forward to!

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